About Me

WhyDuck is a Warsaw-based visual artist and art director, known amongst his peers as Krystian Ścigalski. Having majored in Graphic Design from Krakow’s University of Fine Arts, WhyDuck sought to leave his imprint on the world through a growing portfolio/series of iconic works for diverse industries and clientele; from high tech companies to fashion, automotive & airlines, restaurants as well as several international musicians and celebrities. Immersing himself into his passion for contemporary art for the last 15 years, WhyDuck’s specialization has been focused in hand-drawing limited edition, personal illustrations, posters, large scale murals and other unique wall installations. WhyDuck’s versatile style is well recognised in the industry courtesy of its playful undertones and humoristic storytelling. 

WhyDuck to awangardowy ilustrator, artysta sztuk wizualnych, projektant i dyrektor artystyczny. Z pasji do sztuki i pięknych przestrzeni w trakcie ostatnich 15 lat stworzył autorskie projekty – ręcznie malowane murale w Polsce, Berlinie, San Francisco, Maroko czy Lizbonie. Kocha pracować nad surowym streetartem, szyć na miarę freski w prywatnych mieszkaniach, nadawać nowej energii ubraniom i akcesoriom, tworzyć nowe twarze brandów, a nawet coverów płyt dla muzyków z Nowego Jorku.

Spotkacie go wszędzie tam, gdzie gruba, czarnia linia spotyka poczucie humoru
i nieokiełznaną wyobraźnię.